Online and Offline Apps available. 25-Year or more Software Pioneer [Online and Offline].
Ready Mix Cement Concrete and Mud Preparation software
Variations of Each Customer Site Requirements
Make and Print
Make Master of Each Customer Site Variations of Mixing
Cement, Water, Crush Sand, Chemicals of
(Auto Calculation Formula Batch wise)
Ready-mix concrete is concrete that is manufactured in a batch plant, according to a set engineered mix design. Ready-mix concrete is normally delivered in two ways.
1) First is the barrel truck or in–transit mixers. This type of truck delivers concrete in a plastic state to the site.
2) Second is the volumetric concrete mixer. This delivers the ready mix in a dry state and then mixes the concrete on site.
The Customer Site Software contains Batch plants to combine a precise amount of rock, sand, water and cement together by weight, allowing specialty concrete mixtures to be developed and implemented on construction sites.
The Cement Mixture software has design to make the customer requirements to implement the Ready Mix Concrete software in terms of documentation to enable to adhere from time to time
The Ready mix Companies Software is batched or manufactured under controlled conditions. The data Entry can be filled with transportation details and placed at site using a number of methods
The Cement Construction Software can be prepared such as Metered concrete, Transit mixed, Volumetric mixed
The Cement Amalgam software makes one time Customer Master with details, Order and Ship Management, Ready Mix Concrete details once and can be mulitply to make Delivery Challan many times from Master itself.
Thus it saves time, efforts and memory remembrance.
Of course
Do Save Recods of Database and Do Print
Cost INR 15,500
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